Life as an International Student at BGU Negev Be'er Sheva - Capital of the Negev What does the BGU Negev campus look like? What is the cost of living in Israel? Tel Be'er Sheva - An Ancient Archaeological Site The Har Michia Petroglyphs - Ancient Negev Rock Art Yehoram Gaon, Ladino, and Ben-Gurion University Mah zeh Ulpan? What is an Ulpan? Who are the Bedouins?

Hover your cursor over an image above, then click to read about its indicated topic. Explore and learn more about Ben-Gurion University, Be'er Sheva, and the Negev Desert!

The Gilman Scholarship - RECEIVED!

Dear Destination BGU'ers,
     I am proud to announce that I have received a great, big scholarship! I got the Gilman! For my study abroad trip, they've granted me $4,500 dollars. This is a very important scholarship, because it was the last award I needed in order to be fully funded! I also will be able to present at UMass Amherst in the Anthropology Department upon my return. Things are going exceedingly well!

Ginsberg-Ingerman Scholarship - Received!

Dear Destination BGU'ers,
     I am really excited to announce to you all that I've received the Ginsberg-Ingerman Scholarship today! That means that the Overseas Student Program at BGU has granted me $2,500 for tuition costs! I am very grateful for all the support I have received from the OSP. The people are incredibly helpful, kind, and knowledgeable.

+ $2,500

I Received my Visa Today!

Dear Destination BGU'ers,
     I am now one very important step closer towards traveling to Israel! Today, I received my Visa in the mail! This means that I will be able to migrate to Israel legally and successfully. Without it, I would have been turned away from customs upon arrival. Things are going great!

Donation Update: Thank you!

Dear Destination BGUers,
      I want to give a special thank you to the recent doners to my campaign! I greatly appreciate your support! I want to thank the Beals, the Dickersons, Kathleen Curtis, and Penny Cheney for your gracious donations!

$9,500 + $1,640

My Visa Application arrives at the Consulate Today

May 31, 2019
     By 8:00pm tonight, my application for an A2 student Visa will arrive at the Consulate General of Israel to New England in Boston. Receiving my visa is by far the most important step towards going to Israel. Without it, I wouldn't be allowed to enter the country. I'm hoping for the best!

I Just Purchased My Flight Ticket to Israel

Dear Destination BGU'ers,
     Tonight, I just purchased a ticket for my flight to Israel! Here is my itinerary:
I'll be leaving Boston International Airport at 2:00pm on July 23, 2019. The plane will take a detour in New York City before it finally takes off to Israel. The airline will arrive in Tel Aviv at 10:10am on July 24th. From there, I will take the train to Be'er Sheva. Things are really getting exciting!


     As of May 1st, 2019 at 4:45pm, I received the confirmation e-mail that I've been accepted into the Overseas Program at BGU! This is one of the greatest days of my life!!!! Thank you all for being so supportive, my dear Destination BGUers!

Education Abroad Scholarship - RECEIVED

Dear Destination BGU'ers!
     I am proud to announce that I have received my first scholarship! I received a message that I was a chosen recipient of the Education Abroad Scholarship. I've been bestowed with $1,000! I am most grateful for the IPO and their constituents for their help in my abroad needs. 1,000 dollars is enough to pay for either two months' worth of food, my flight ticket, or two months of housing costs.

+ $1,000

AABGU Online Interview

Dear DestinationBGUers,
     Today, I had an interview with a representative of the American Associates for Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. It was the final step I needed to take towards completing my application. I feel like it went quite well, and I will be hearing back by next week!

Classes for Study Abroad - Approved

     With the help of my academic advisor, I have now been approved for the courses I want to take over at BGU. The following are the classes I have lined up:







IPO Study Abroad Application - Complete

Dear BGUers,
     As of today, I have officially completed all of my requirements, forms, and surveys for my IPO study abroad application. It is all done! Step 2 is complete. Step 1 was apply to BGU. Next, I have to wait until I am accepted into BGU before I start Step 3: Visa Application. Things are going well so far. I could always use some prayer though!

Education Abroad Scholarship - Submitted

     This is the second IPO scholarship application that I have finished. It is a need-based award, and it ranges from 500 dollars and up. 

Education Abroad MERIT Scholarship - Submitted

Dear Destination BGUers,
     I have successfully submitted another application for a scholarship! This one is provided by the International Programs Office at UMass. Its award ranges from 1,000 to 2,500 dollars. It is a competitive scholarship, but I hope my application will be viewed with interest :)

BGU OverSeas Program Application - Submitted

Dear Destination BGUers,
     I am one step closer to studying abroad in Israel. This morning, at 10:40 on March 3rd, 2019, I submitted my application to attend the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev! Now, all I have to do is wait. I am supposed to hear back from them with two weeks of submission. Keep your fingers crossed and I'll keep you posted!

Benjamin A. Gilman Scholarship - Submitted

Dear Destination BGUers,
     I just submitted my application for a very big scholarship called the Gilman. This scholarship grants between $2,500 and $5,000 to study abroad students who receive the Pell Grant. If I receive this scholarship, nearly a third of my study abroad expenses could be covered. 

William Bulger Presidential Scholarship - Submitted

     New update! I just submitted my application for the William M. Bulger Presidential Scholarship and I am just waiting on the recommendation letter I requested from a UMass faculty member. It's showtime!

Important Deadline - July 1st, 2019

     The cost of tuition and housing is due on the 1st of July this year. That means I need to work hard and save up enough money to study abroad at BGU by late June.

Donation Update - Thanks to my First Donors

     I want to thank my first two donors to my campaign, Nicole and Karen! I am most grateful for your gift! Those $70 alone would cover the cost of renting a car that I will need so that I can drive from the airport in Tel Aviv to Be'er Sheva (page 10 of Pre-Arrival guide). Thank you very much! Every amount helps :)

$8,650 + $70 = $8,720

Charles D. Baker II Scholarship - In Progress

     I've decided to work on a second scholarship during winter break. This one is provided by the governor of Massachusetts: the Charles D. Baker II Scholarship. So far I've uploaded my transcript and I'm formulating the write-up. Something that I should do is put together a more up-to-date resume that I can submit with the two scholarships I'm working on.